Monday, 14 January 2013

My Smart Plan for Creating Awareness about   Important Issues                                                                                             My concern is to use the wonders of technology for the betterment and enrichment of human society. My Smart Plan ia based on the same objective that how rich soaftware and hardware resources can increase our understanding and can also effect our feelings, emotions and attitude in a desired manner. By preparing a Smart Plan teacher can easily achieve his goal and objectives . Smart Planning can sensitize students regarding social, political and economic problem of the country or of the world. It can be used to create awareness about the important health issues which otherwise are very dry to talk about and need strong audio-video presentation to touch the heart of the student and at the same time make work his mental faculties also .While thinking about all this I tried to develop a Smart Plan for creating awareness about Indoor Alr Pollution. The Plan gives link to the various educational websites which make clear the concept and meaning of AIP, uses wikipedia for detailed information. The impact of biological contaminants on health is tried to be explained by video, showcasing the effects of black mold on our health, this video can be used to sensitize students for maintaining cleanliness at home and outside and at the same time can be used to develop in them the sense of appreciation towards a healthy life. The next video is about the effect of smoke in general and about cigarette smoking in particular, this video will help students to know about ill effects of smoking and will discourage smoking inside and outside the house. It also makes the topic multidisciplinary by discussing biology, physiology and chemistry of  the consequences of smoking. Music, animations and images are used to create awareness about the solutions of this grave problem which will promote a sense of cleanliness among students and will also motivate them to plant indoor and outdoor plants. Finally we can invite students to create awareness about the same topic among the masses through the fastest source of information dissemination, "The Internet" by using its synchronous and asynchronous resources. What required is the thoughtful planning and the meaningful use of web-resources when and where required.Here I present my Smart Plan for Indoor Air Pollution and a glog which is based on the same. While preparing this plan many techno-skills can also be developed in a  teacher who are not very techno-savvy.

Smart Lesson Plan For Indoor Air Pollution




Introduction  of the topic

air pollution
Computer or laptop, internet, LCD projector, projection screen, magnetic board, white board or digi-canvass etc.

Questions on the general environmental problems using power point

Questions about the sources and impacts of outdoor  pollution

Power point presentation with the hyperlinks to educational websites giving detailed information about indoor air pollution and use of Wikipedia.
Answer questions during presentations

Involved in interaction during the presentation.
Discuss in groups to answer the reflective questions.

Working on power point using hyperlinks.

Making slides, using animations and other features

Browsing internet and downloading required material
2. pollutants
 biological contaminations, combustion gases and smoke and chemical pollutants
As above
Teacher conducts an interactive session using animation with hyperlink to web pages (
Trimmed and edited video clips to make the students aware of the sources of indoor air pollutants and their impact on health

Participates in presentation

Ponders upon reflective question

Browses web to find authentic information

E-mail the information to fellow group members.

Hyperlinks to required web pages etc.

Browsing web, search
engine, animation etc.
use of video tool applications
editing, merging and creating a new clip
3. solutions
As above
Use of animation.

Video clip


Reflective question how indoor air pollution will effect our future?

What are the broader impacts of IAP?
Participates in presentation

Participates in quiz

Student will analyze critically the concept and will answer the question.

Graphical interaction with software / relevant webpage.
Culminating activity :
Once the topic is over, real exercise for students will begin, students could be divided into small groups or pairs and could be assigned various activities, as a forum to display, summarize, extend, or share what they have learnt through assigned activity.

Activity 1 : Participate in an on line class and make people aware of this problem using the website of  wiziq a website for online class
Activity 2 : list various measures to control IAP and email it to your friends


Attaching files / documents with email.

Sharing documents etc.

Working on PowerPoint

 Have a look of the glog to see this Smart Plan work ( this glog contains just a glimpses of my smart plan)

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