Technology and Predicament of Reversal
Today our students are much worried about their material possessions there exists cut-throat competition among them to achieve the wordly pleasures in contrast to achieving the spiritual fruits that is a must to preserve humanity in this planet.
Today one who talk about God is considered to be a fool a weak individual and a shirker who don't want to work and looks for an easy way to earn his livelihood
A paradigm shift from Skepticism→ Empiricism→Evolution→God is dead and Sociobiology all has contributed towards the change in divine order which has resulted into a realm of utter confusion, restlessness,darkness and uncertainties for mankind.
We can clearly witness the reversal in moral realm among our students who believe and practice that "if the end is right then don't care about the means", worry about where and not about how.
Learners believe in success without sacrifice, they want to achieve their goal by hook or by crook, hence a reversal in a divine method can be observed which is the root cause of all the problems that exists today.
Today we see the reversal in the intellectual realm also resulting into entirely different thinking of the new generation and this must be the result of change in the mode of passing knowledge from one generation to the other .
Since time immemorial 's knowledge was passed orally followed by scribal tradition, with the invention of printing press by Gutenberg in 1946 the printed tradition came in and the knowledge got saved in books followed by media and finally image tradition, images replaced the words, images started speaking, and we started living in the world of images, images are being used to make the generation think in the desired direction, where the SMILE of a beautiful model showcasing her beautiful pearl white teeth can make us buy the respective toothpaste irrespective of its chemical composition or other things which are essential to keep our teeth healthy and clean or a Bollywood and Hollywood celebrity deciding for us which cold drink to consume irrespective of the hazards a cold drink can cause to our health.
"We are governed by images
Our tastes are controlled by images
our ethics are defined by images
our etiquettes are taught by images
our thoughts are controlled by images
we have become the products of images"
My concern is, if the images are governing our thought process then why not use powerful images to look for desired changes in learners behavior,
this age of technology and rapid interaction can we as teachers use
technology in general and web-based technology in particular and its
amazing features to inculcate morals, values, appreciations, emotions
and awareness along with tons of theoretical and factual knowledge
so that the genius within our students can be used for the welfare and
betterment of mankind.
Can technology strengthen ethical foundations among students making them
realize that there blind rush towards materialism and power cannot give
birth to any culture.
Yes friends this is possible, the coming generations can be saved from moving towards utter darkness, distress and turmoil by using amazing technology and its outstanding features in an innovative, creative, meaningful and purposeful way.The fastest technology of communication, "The Internet" can be used to reach the present and coming generations to spread the better ways of leading a contented and happy life.
The popularity of Internet can be calculated by he fact that it took only 4 years to reach 50 million users whereas it took 38 years for radio, while TV made it in 13 years.
Teachers need to utilize the potential and tremendous power of internet and its resources to overcome the perplexing situation of the present world in general and that of our students in particular.
The rich web-resources can be used to sensitize students against the existing problems of the world and that of this own spirit by integrating moral and value-based education along with the subject content and various features of technology eg,. videos, images, animations, and other synchronous and asynchronous resources can be used to attach practical examples from the surroundings. The watching of videos, movies, audios can make understanding and reasoning better than merely delivering a dry and monotonous lecture.
My Smart Plan can help generate and create awareness among masses about the problems of prime importance eg, creating awareness about pollution and its consequences on mankind, sensitizing students about the fact that their survival depends on the ecological balance of the planet, that the pollution can result into destruction of the entire universe. Their feelings, emotions and the whole attitude can be changed by rich audio-video web-based resources along with the training of mental faculties.
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